How to source quality fire safety products

A new free document published by insurers through RISC Authority research scheme aims to provide independent, explanatory guidance to end-users, assisting them to obtain reliable, high quality fire safety products and services.
The document also provides understanding on the terms and procedures to assist in the acquisition of reliable fire related products and services.
RISC Authority membership comprises a group of significant UK insurers that develop best practice for the protection of people, property, business and the environment from loss due to fire and other risks. These recommendations are directed not only towards managers of large commercial and industrial organisations, but equally to those responsible for small and medium sized enterprises. Including: healthcare, education and providers of housing, sheltered accommodation and care homes. The document is designed to provide background information to assist a fire safety manager or responsible person who has to facilitate the installation of new products or the acquisition of fire related services, such as fire risk assessments.
This publication is available for free download on the RISCAuthority websites at